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Our Fluidity Story

Our Fluidity Story

      Why is clothing binary when our world is not? Today it is clear, clothing should be fluid. Non-Binary and LGBTQ+ individuals understand this more than anyone. Clothing has a strong impact on how we feel about ourselves and how the world sees us. Due to the binaries that exist in the clothing industry today, it is hard and unfortunately sometimes next to impossible for individuals to express their masculinity and femininity in a way that fits them. As a result, far too many of us are unable to portray who we are on the inside. We are here to change that.

     Gallus Ogdoad’s mission is to give individuals control over their gender expression, empower individuals to live in their fluidity and spark powerful conversations. Conversations that inspire growth, bring people’s walls down, and help form never ending bonds. Say goodbye to restriction of your gender expression, goodbye to senseless division in your communities, and goodbye to lack of clothing utility.

Gallus Ogdoad’s 8 Values

Right to Wear

We value the rights of individuals to choose what they want to wear. Non-binary, genderfluid, female, or male wear what puts joy in your heart. Gender is a construct.


At Gallus Ogdoad we like to talk. Talking brings inspiration to the heart and curiosity to the mind. Let’s start a conversation here and bring it into your communities.


What else is there to say. 


Divided we are powerless. When you wear our brand we encourage you to find connect with individuals who are interested in the story behind the art. You never know you may learn something new or form a lifetime bond.

Safe Spaces

Our aim is to make our customers feel comfortable expressing themselves through fashion in their own communities. Because when you are comfortable in your clothes the fearful become empowered to live their truth.

Your Voice

You have experienced a lot in life and therefore have a unique perspective to bring to the conversation. We encourage you to express your authentic opinion on topics discussed within our community so we may all learn from eachother and grow close.

Gender Expression

Gender is fluid. How you want to express yourself is not another’s decision. Don’t let fear stop your from walking comfortably in your shoes.

The 8th Value Of Gallus Ogdoad

Let’s create the 8th value together! Voice your opinion on social media and tag us.

How Do You Live In Your Fluidity?

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