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How To Overcome Workplace Bullies

How To Overcome Workplace Bullies

Workplace bullying is a growing problem in many work environments, and can often lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression and even fear. It is important to be aware of this issue and take the necessary steps to address it. This article provides insight into what workplace bullying is, signs that you are being bullied at work, strategies for dealing with bullies, and resources available if help is needed.

What Is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying involves an individual engaging in repeated negative behaviors such as harassment or intimidation towards an employee or co-worker. Such offenses may include name calling, put-downs, threats or insults either directed at an individual or office environment in general. As with all forms of bullying, perpetrators of workplace bullying typically seek out those who are perceived as being different from the majority in some way – whether that be in terms of age, race/ethnicity/background status or gender orientation – making them easier targets for abuse.

Signs That You May Be Being Bullied At Work

The most common sign of workplace bullying revolves around feeling fearful or intimidated by certain co-workers during any interaction between the two parties – whether physical or through communication (like hostile emails). Aside from this feeling of dread when around certain people at work, other signs could include: being excluded deliberately from projects/events; constantly having your ideas shut down by coworkers; feeling like you’re walking on eggshells whenever interacting with a specific person or group; feeling like it’s harder to do your job due to relentless criticism; not being given a chance to explain yourself after complaints have been filed against you; or having personal property willfully damaged by colleagues on purpose.

Strategies For Dealing With Bullies At Work

Most cases of workplace bullying go unreported because individuals feel isolated amidst complicated situations and are unaware of how to deal with difficult scenarios without seeming too confrontational or without escalating matters further. Even though such an atmosphere can be intimidating one should not back down. Here are some strategies to instill confidence:

  • Speak Up: The best way to combat bullying is to speak up against it. If you feel like you’re being bullied or harassed, don’t hesitate to communicate your feelings and make sure it is known that such behavior is not acceptable.

  • Document Everything: Keep track of any instances of bullying or harassment in writing. Make sure to document who was involved, what happened, and when it happened. This will be useful if further action needs to be taken. It’s also beneficial to keep notes about any conversations that have taken place related to the situation.

  • Stay Calm & Professional: Whenever possible try to stay calm and professional during exchanges with bullies or harassers. This can help reduce tension and demonstrate composure on your part. Remembering your professionalism may also help protect you from any negative consequences that could arise if confrontations become heated or hostile.

  • Reach Out For Help: If you are being bullied at work there are resources available for support and guidance including legal professionals, human resources departments, employee assistance programs, mental health professionals, friends/family support groups etc… Reaching out for help can provide valuable insight into how best to deal with these types of situations as well as an emotional outlet for dealing with stress caused by bullying or harassment at work



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