Home » The Reality Of Toxic Shame and The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Reality Of Toxic Shame and The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Let’s take a deep dive into the reality of toxic shame. We all have moments when we feel ashamed for mistakes that we have made, or for things we do not possess. It is during these moments that lies begin to creep in, telling us that there is something wrong with us and that we will never be good enough. We accept these lies without question, allowing them to take root and grow into a heavy shame that weighs us down.

Toxic shame is a pervasive force in our lives, one that can be difficult to recognize or understand. It entraps us in cycles of negative thinking and self-loathing, trapping us in an endless loop of destructive behavior. We begin to believe the lies we tell ourselves and our sense of worthiness takes a beating. We lose touch with who we are, our dreams and passions fading away as toxic shame takes hold.

Fortunately, there is hope for breaking free from the grip of toxic shame. By recognizing it for what it is. An attempt by our minds to protect us. But it doesn’t have to be this way; you can take steps towards freedom from Toxic Shame. By recognizing our own worth.

What is Toxic Shame?

Toxic shame is a heavy burden
that can weigh us down,
preventing us from living our lives
with joy and purpose.
It is an insidious emotion, toxic shame
that creeps into our thoughts and feelings,
making us believe
we are not enough
we are unworthy of love
we are unworthy of respect.

Ultimately it’s an oppressive force in our lives that can damage relationships, self-image, and sense of worth.

How Do We Create Shame Within Our Lives?

Creating shame is often unintentional, but it’s still something that we do to ourselves. It starts with our inner dialogue and the lies we tell ourselves about who we are and what we can achieve. We begin to accept these negative thoughts as truth without questioning them, allowing them to take root in our lives and become oppressive forces.

We also create shame in other ways, such as comparing ourselves to others. We compare our looks, material possessions, or accomplishments and feel less than when we come up short. Or we engage in self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, cutting ourselves off from meaningful relationships, or allowing our dreams to die due to fear of failure. So how does one break free from the grip of shame?

Breaking Free From Shame

Shame does not have to determine our lives; there is hope for breaking free from its grip. It begins by recognizing the lies we tell ourselves – both conscious and unconscious – and replacing them with truth. By understanding that we are valuable humans who can achieve anything with hard work and dedication only then, can we begin the process of healing.

Once we become aware of our truths we must take responsibility. Taking responsibility looks like choosing to focus on improving our skills and talents, thinking positively, setting healthy boundaries in relationships, and taking steps towards achieving our goals rather than allowing fear to keep us stagnant in a low vibrational state.

No matter how deep shame has taken hold, it’s possible to break free from its grip and learn to value oneself once again. By recognizing the lies we tell ourselves, taking responsibility for our actions, and focusing on positive thinking, we can begin the journey of healing from toxic shame. Start practicing today. On the other sided is a life of joy, purpose, and meaning.

It takes courage to face our own darkness and stare long enough into the mirror that reflects back at us all the lies.

Let Your Fluidity Flow,

Gallus Ogdoad

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