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Defeating Your Inner Critic

We all have an inner critic inside of us that can be a major obstacle to achieving our goals and dreams. We hear it in our heads constantly reminding us why we can’t do something, why we don’t have the talent or ability, why we are incapable of succeeding. It’s time to take back control and defeat your inner critic.


The first step is to recognize when your inner critic is talking. Oftentimes, it masquerades as wise advice or logic but it can quickly spiral down into negative self-talk. Pay attention to what your inner voice is saying and realize when it’s holding you back.


The second step is to confront this negative thought head-on by challenging its validity and finding evidence to support the opposite opinion. For example, if your inner critic says “you don’t have the skills for that job”, remind yourself of times in which you used those skills successfully before or look for ways in which you can develop them further. This helps combat any irrational beliefs that you might have about yourself or your abilities.


Thirdly, make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive influences from friends, family and mentors who encourage and reinforce good thoughts about yourself – because no one should ever discourage believing in yourself! Even if it feels hard at first, surrounding yourself with others who believe in you will help weaken the power of your inner critic over time.


Finally, practice self-care regularly so that you are better equipped mentally and physically when encountering challenges. Eating well, getting enough sleep, engaging in physical exercise/activity and making time for things like hobbies can make all the difference!


By following these steps – recognizing when they arise, replacing them with rational thought patterns and creating a supportive environment – you will be able to better manage your inner critic over time until it becomes merely a whisper instead of ruler of your life!


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